
Jason Purdy
Alien Movie Reviews
2 min readSep 5, 2011


Considering this movie was made in 1979, and I didn’t see it until 2011, there are some pretty big draw backs. “Old movies” are laden with long silent patches, strange audio that makes it hard to understand the dialog and generally over the top “baaad doop ooop” sound effects. Compare the audio work in Alien vs “Cowboys and Aliens” for example.

Despite how old this movie was, I did generally enjoy it. There were two or three parts that it dragged on a bit, and some of the plot lines, especially around the first kills, were incredibly obvious. Screaming out “O man, this guy is so dead. Turn around!!!” can be fun though. Alien was also generally scary, and I usually hate scary movies, but this was a more suspenseful entertaining scary. Good thing I had my wife to hold on to! (yes I am aware I’m a big baby and it’s her that should be holding on to me) With long drawn out scenes, walking in to dark alleys and lots of steam coming out of seemingly nowhere, you’re on the edge of the seat just waiting for something to happen.

The other problem I had with the movie was the stupid damn cat. I’m not a huge cat person in general, and maybe I would have been more attached to the pet if it was a dog, but no offense fluffy, if its my life on the line you’re getting left.

Overall, the movie is a worth a watch, again considering how old it is, and I recommend it. It’s the first alien contact movie that happens in space and was very creative for 1979. Now time to watch to Aliens…

