K-Pax: #DecentContact

Jason Purdy
Alien Movie Reviews
1 min readJun 24, 2020


My ideas about what “contact” would look like continue to evolve, moving more toward small, AI drones and satellites. I watched this movie when it first came out in 2001 and really loved it. I was 19 and afterword my dad and I went out for milkshakes to talk about it. This was an interesting take on first contact, moving beyond the sense of information, delivered to common form. Not some grand scale invasion but instead a singular visitor. Just learning. On their own. Enjoying themselves. What a great way to view contact, as a tourist on a vacation, taking notes to report back of course, but a singular seemingly human looking form, easy to go undetected. Reminds me a lot of the movie “Crazy People” playing off the psych ward idea, and would love a sequel where K-PAX is out in the world interacting with people. Defintely enjoyed it again 20 years later.

