Pacific Rim: #DecentContact

Jason Purdy
Alien Movie Reviews
1 min readJul 12, 2013



Amazingly the only alien summer movie of 2013, Pacific Rim was pretty decent. Visual and well done artistically, there was very little to the rest of the movie. In fact, it reminded me of Up, which features one of the best openings ever. If I owned the rights I would already be working on the Prequel, because the first 5 minutes are fantastic.

The rest of the movie is fun entertainment but don’t expect any uniqueness to the alien movie paradigm. Why they are here and how we fought back follows pretty old plot lines, but take yourself to your dealer and enjoy the show.

EDIT: It’s been a few weeks, I have seen the movie again, and I have to say this is one of the best movie of the summer. As I mentioned before, some of the acting isn’t Oscar winning, but we’ve become so reliant on sequels and reboots that it is refreshing to see a new story story. I really hope to see a prequel.

