Prey: #NoNeedToBelieve

Jason Purdy
Alien Movie Reviews
Sep 18, 2022


Wow, two amazing alien movies in one year. Thank you 2022! Nope was very good, but I actually liked Prey more. The action scenes were incredible, but even more so I loved how they set the stage for where so much of alien content comes from (indigenous contact with european settlers, see The New World).

I thought it was creative how the story blended languages, where the white man is foreign and therefore the strange unknown spoken words, French, where as the main character spoke naturally. The script was great, the acting superb, Amber Midthunder a breakout star.

I have a hard time finding faults beyond the suspension of disbelief that the predator wouldn’t win in a fair fight, but hey, if Arnold can do it, why not Amber right?

