Tomorrow War: #TakeMeToYourDealer

Jason Purdy
Alien Movie Reviews
2 min readJul 21, 2021


The first new major motion alien picture in almost two years! Let’s just say I was very excited to watch this one and of course, watched it opening night. I held off writing a review because I was torn about it.

On one side, it’s got decent graphics and a somewhat interesting take on the alien “where did they come from?” question. On the other hand, Pratt has several real acting moments that fell horribly flat. His sarcastic comedy featured in Guardians of the Galaxy (and Parks & Rec) are a good fit, but big dramatic moments not so much. There is a scene with his dad where he slams his hand down on a table that was way over acted, things went downhill from there. Too bad that was at the 20th minute. :/

There’s also just so many plot holes I gave up trying to write them down. Why this timeframe? Why 30 years? Why only 7 days? Can they communicate between the time outside of the transporting of people? If they can only teleport people who would have died before the Aliens arrive, why not transport people back from 100 years ago when everyone is dead anyway?

It’s not all bad, it has a real star ship troopers vibe which of course I loved. It felt like it tried too hard and should have just been a fun summer film and instead attempted to be a serious film where it clearly was not.

The main reason I held off on writing this review though was that something had been eating at me about how this concept could have been amazing. Somewhat similar to Stargate this has a great TV show potential. What if they lean into the concept of a time travel device like the Manhattan Project, only one or two available at first, but building more over time. Each episode would be a new device coming online and bringing a group of soliders back from a different time period and region. 12th century Mongolian horse archers, 1st century Spartans, etc. Lean into the historical differences and strengths of each period. Get Dan Carlin from Hardcore History fame to write it. Man I’d love this show, history and aliens, sign me up!

